Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Avert your eyes!

Run away! Naked baby on the loose! AJ thought it would be a good idea for me to change Diego's diaper while he was playing in his playyard.....guess he'll rethink that next time.

When he isn't standing around, trying to shake down the baby gate, this is Diego's new favorite game.

He cracks us up because everytime he knocks them over he scatters them, like that will stop us from building another tower.

Lastly, the little rascal is starting to get an attitude these days. He has quite the little temper. When we force him to take a nap, he throws all of his stuffed animals on the floor in protest. Except however for this past Sunday, when I found the little angel sleeping like this....

I guess it was time for Pooh bear, monkey, puppy and Pooh bunny to take a nap too!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mean mom and more teeth

Just call me mean old mom. I just couldn't resist recreating a certain tire commercial; I thought it would be funny. Apparently, Diego did not agree!

Diego is getting taller, but still remains pretty small compared to the rest of his classmates.

What he lacks in height and weight, he makes up in guts. This kid gets more adventurous everyday. He wants to be a big kid. He tried using the baby walker today, even though he isn't the steadiest on his feet quite yet. He saw James do it and he decided he could too (James in 11.5 months old). Lil Mr. Knievel has also decided to live up to his monkey nickname and he has taken to climbing our headboard in the bedroom. Last week I found him clinging to the top for dear life by his fingertips,legs up around his belly button, screaming because he couldn't find where the mattress was and how to get down. Crazy kid. He also likes to pick up his electronic ball and throw it, the kid is gonna loose a few toes doing this as the silly thing weighs about 5 lbs.

He's got another cold this week and an ear infection, but is all smiles nonetheless. The teething seems to be going more smoothly now. The latest addition to his smile is his top left incisor, this kid certainly has one funny set of chompers.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Miscellaneous Pictures

Here are some rare pics of Diego from when he isn't screaming these days. Hmmmmm...note to self, perhaps weaning is not such a good idea while the kid is teething.