Sunday, September 20, 2009

Must run in the family....

I'll let these speak for themselves...

Diego's first attempt at gaming! from kelly franco on Vimeo.

Ahhhh...what a proud moment in the Franco household! Another little gamer/singer is born ! ;) (For those of you in the dark, Diego was singing while Daddy played guitar in Beatles Rockband).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Hello my name is......

Let's see, it has been quite some time since I updated the blog.

Diego is 14 months old now.

He walks perfectly, prefers to almost run and definitely loves to climb. He has a new found passion for slides (he even has one in his classroom now).

He loves the water; when he hears me drawing his bath he comes into the bathroom and places all his toys in the tub and lifts his rather large bath-seat into the tub as well. He's even tried to use me as a step stool to get into his bath before he's even gotten undressed. He loves the pool and sprinklers and if none of those are available he will settle for the rain.

He has moved into a larger classroom at school and has 10 classmates now; he still has his same teachers. Mama went to "Special Friends Day" on Friday and got to have snack and do an art project with Diego and the rest of his classmates and their parents. Diego preferred to eat the chalk rather than draw with it.

He eats pretty much everything, except he'd be a meat-atarian if I'd let him (must get that from his father).

His new favorite thing is to find his belly when you ask him where it is; he'll pull up his shirt and smack his tummy. He also likes to find mom and dad's bellies as well, and loves to give dad zerberts (not sure what he has against my belly?).

His vocabulary has increased addition to mama (although he still prefers to call me dada or uhnnn), dada, ball, uh-oh, hello and bye-bye, he has picked up dog, duck, and there. He can also tell you what noise a dog, a cow, an elephant, a sheep and sometimes a monkey makes. And today...I asked him what his name was and he told me "D-go" as clear as day. It's funny how fast they pick up these things.....guess I'm going to have to watch my mouth from here on in!

(You shoulda seen this one before I fixed the red-eye!)

At Lake Ponchartrain, it was all we could do to keep Diego from jumping in...good thing it rained so he got to play in some kind of water!

D's passport photo

Crazy hair day at school have no idea how long AJ has been waiting to give D a "faux"hawk!